Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Prayer for you today 1/1/2012

Dear heavenly Father,

     Tonight I bring my prayer before You as an intercessory prayer.  I have friends who are struggling with life.  Some are fed up with the trials of life while others are struggling to stay alive.  I have people on my heart now who need You to intervene desperately!  I need You to intervene desperately, Lord!  I have a friend who is having problems with her children.  It seems as though no matter how hard or how much she prays, that things only get worse.  I ask You, Jesus, to give her strength to persevere to these times.  I ask that You would open the eyes of these children to see just what it is that they're doing.  I pray that You would remove the blinders from there eyes, hearts, and minds so that they will see that their actions cut much deeper than they realize.  Their behaviors not only cause stress in the home, but they hurt people, people who care about and for them.  And the hurt doesn't stop there because it also hurts You.  I pray that You soften the hearts of these children and teach them why what they've done is wrong.  And more importantly, teach them how to do what is right.
     I also have upon my heart, a dear friend in the hospital.  He's battling cancer and even battling the aftermath of surgery.  He needs Your divine healing!  I thank You, God that You have brought him through this far.  And I trust that You will bring him the rest of the way.  Please grant Your healing mercies to him.  Also grant Your peaceful presence to those of his family and friends who are most greatly impacted by this trial.  Help them through this time as well.  Please grant them the strength and time to go about their daily duties while spending time in hospital visits too.
     Thank You, God for being so good to us.  Thank You for Your provision.  Thank You for Your grace, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness.  Thank You for being You!

I love You, God.


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