Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Prayer for Keith

Dear heavenly Father,

     Tonight we lift up Keith to You.  We ask that You would guild all the doctors and nurses that will be caring for him when he has his back surgery.  We ask that You would aid the doctors in performing the surgery so that it will be the last one they have to perform on him before his back is completely healed.  We also pray that You grant Your peace and comfort to him and his family as they all work their way through these medical issues the best way they know how.  Bring family, friends, and neighbors to help them as Keith is in the hospital, and as he recovers at home.  We thank You Father God for being with us.  For keeping us listening to all of our doubts and fears, and for calming our doubts and fears as we listen to Your voice.  Thank You!  We love You, God!


Monday, January 21, 2013

A Prayer for Those in the Accident on I-75

Dear Lord Jesus,

     We come to You this afternoon to ask You to watch over the victims and the families of those involved in the traffic accident on I 75 earlier today.  Please comfort the people involved and their families as the chaos of this event is sorted out.  Grant Your peace to those affected as insurance information is exchanged and processed; as damages are assessed; and medical attention is given.  Help everybody learn to treat everyone else involved with respect and dignity.  And aid them in their recoveries.
     We love You, Lord Jesus!
