Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Prayer for Anna

Dear heavenly Father,

     We thank You this morning for Anna.  And we ask that You let Your mighty presence be known in the hospital as Anna undergoes her tests.  We are asking and believing You for a total healing, Lord Jesus.  But, as my friend and brother, Don, said - "We are praying for good results or at least good answers."  We all agree with Don in this plea.  We pray that the right tests are run in the right way, and that the doctors correctly decipher the information they receive so that they may make a quick yet correct diagnosis.  We also ask that You grant Your peace to Anna's parents and family as she undergoes these tests.  It must give someone a feeling of helplessness when all they can do is to stand by watching and waiting for the doctors to say something.  Lord, we love You.  And we trust You.  You are our hope and help.  We thank You for comforting us during this times.  We love You, Jesus.


1 comment:

  1. will you pray that I see in the light and that I am healed of hatred inside and outside of my spirit.
