Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Prayer for Ronnie

Dear heavenly Father,

     We thank You for allowing us to come to You will our every concern, both big and small.  And we now lift up Ronnie to you, asking that You pour out Your healing mercies upon him as he lay in the hospital.  We ask that You would calm the synopsis of his brain and soothe his nervous system.  Whatever else may be causing the seizures that he is having, we pray that You heal that condition.  We also know that sometimes You choose to use doctors and nurses to heal the sick.  And we pray that You, our Great Physician, would lead them all in their testing and procedures.  Guide them to a swift and correct diagnosis.  Teach their hands the skill necessary to carry out whatever they need to do.  Sharpen their minds to think quickly and clearly.  And return Ronnie back to his friends and family being safe and healthy.
     We also pray that You would be with Ronnie's family and friends as he is going through all of this.  Help them to have a peace and comfort that comes from knowing You are in control.  We ask that You would motivate his children and grandchildren to step up and do whatever is necessary to be there for his wife, to help her in every way that she needs them.  Even place it upon the hearts of their neighbors to help out with whatever needs to be done.
     We love You God!  You have been, and still are, so good to us!  Thank You!


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