Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lifting Laura up

Lord God,

     Thank You for everything that You have provided to us.  And thank You for the promise You have given to us, who love You, to provide all our needs according to Your riches in glory.  And thank You for Laura.
     We prayerfully lift Laura up before You tonight to ask that You give her the peace that surpasses all human understanding and wisdom.  At times, this life is chaotic for us.  There are so many times that we neither understand what is going on, nor do we understand why.  It is during those times that we are taught to patiently endure.  We ask you to help Laura, and even us, to patiently endure these chaotic times.  We ask that You surround Laura with Your great love and people who You also!  People that are ready and willing to be a friend to Laura.  To be there in the tough times.  Strengthen and encourage her to keep running this race of life without looking back!  You've taught us that those who have put their hands to Your work and turned back are not worthy of You.  Help Laura know that those that have turned their backs on her are not worthy of her friendship, but give her the compassion, understanding, and forgiveness to reconcile those relationships that can be reconciled.
    Thank You for Your faithfulness!  We love You!


1 comment:

  1. Thank-you so much Shawn. Its almost like you can feel whats in my heart. Brought tears to my eyes!
    You are an awesome man of God.

    Laura Baker
