Dear Jesus,
I know it'a been a while since we talked like this. But You are doing some great things in my life and in the lives of those around me. And I thank You. I am also a little confused as to how I should react and interact with some people around me in their present circumstances. I need Your help and guidance in this. I am happy for them in some ways, but I am also disappointed. I know these people I am referring to don't believe in You. And I know they get their moral convictions from whatever makes them feel happy at the time. I want to rejoice with them in their happiness, but under the circumstances I don't feel I can. I know that You came to earth to show us how to live, love, forgive and to redeem mankind from sin and death. I don't know what or how I should feel about this situation right now, Jesus. Please help me to show them all the love and grace You show me constantly! Help me to be a mirror reflecting Your light into their lives. All I know to do for them at this moment is to pray for them. Please bring more influences in their way to guide them to You. I know my brother has known You before. I don't know anything about her. But I know that You can redeem them from anything. I love You, Jesus.
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