Friday, December 13, 2013

A Prayer for Sorting Stuff Out

Dear Jesus,

This morning I just want to talk to You for a bit.  I have a lot of stuff going through my mind as of late.  I am trying to sort it all out, but I need Your help.  First of all, my brother, I don't know if he knows You or not.  I believe he used to know You.  But I think he's forgotten how good You are.  He's got a lot going on in his life right now too.  It seems as he is happily getting along!  I really am happy that he is doing as well as he is!  But I know he is not right with You, Jesus.  And I know it hurts You because it hurts me.  I'm scared for him, Lord.  I look around and see all this bad news and tragedy every day.  Lives are being taken all the time.  Families are being ripped apart and destroyed.  And the only firm foundation upon which we can build our lives is You.  I want him to have that firm foundation!  I want him to have a family that knows You as You really are, Jesus!  I want him to be right with You again.  I want his girlfriend to be right with You.  I want his children to be right with You.  I know my methods of sharing my faith with those closest to me have not been the most productive, to say the least.  I think in my sharing, I have been pushing loved ones away rather than drawing them in, or even just sowing the seed of Your Gospel.  Please help my just share Your love with those around me, especially those I love!
I am also grieved that my old friend is going through such a struggle, such a battle  for his family.  It was not long ago that I had the privilege to tell him about You, Lord.  But he has not yet started building his life upon You.  I think he wants to!  But he is just unsure of how.  I ask that You heal and restore this family.  There are so many lives at stake.  Especially the two children.  Please protect their little hearts from all this baggage!  All this emotional damage and the scarring that, without your intervention, will inevitably occur.  Help my friend find a new start in You, Lord Jesus.  Show him Your faithfulness, love, grace, mercy, joy, and peace that he can and will have by trusting in You.
And every time I decide to read the newspaper or watch the TV news, I see a few positive reports, but mostly bad news.  Horrendous news from around the world and some pretty bad stuff here locally too.  It pains me to see such hurt in the world.  It hurts me when I see hopelessness in the eyes of people I interact with.  Help me share Your Gospel and the hope that You offer, Jesus.  Help me make this world I live in a better place.


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