Dear Jesus,
I feel horrible. All I want to do is to live a life that is pleasing to You. And I know that is a good thing. But lately, I have become more and more aware of the bitterness towards loved ones because they do not know You as I do. Confusing right? Lord, how am I supposed to show them who You are and how much You love them when I hold onto this bad baggage that separates us? I know I can't. Lord help me! I do not want to feel this way toward them, or anyone else, anymore! I want to love people as You love them. I want to be a reflection of who You are. I know that will make some people uncomfortable. After all, that has been my excuse for harboring this bitterness for so long... I have just been telling myself that it was not bitterness, it was just a distance created by lives going separate ways. I have been shutting myself away from those You love and want to have a good relationship with, all the while telling myself that I was just "cutting out ungodly relationships from my life". That may have been what I started doing, even with good intentions, but I now know that I have taken it too far. Lord, I need Your help to redeem the time and restore these broken relationships. Help me to love as You love. Help me reach out seeking forgiveness and reconciliation with those I have alienated for so long. I love You, my Lord and my God.
Thank You
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