Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A prayer for Nathanael

Dear Father in Heaven,

     Father God, we know that You are our the Great Physician and Mighty Healer.  Tonight we lift Nathanael before You as he's in the hospital with a very high fever.  We ask that You would cool his fever and touch his body to heal him.  We pray that You will cleanse his body of whatever is ailing him.  And that You would grant the doctors and nurses, to whose care You've entrusted him, wisdom and sharpness of mind to see, treat, and remedy this fever and the cause of this symptom.  We pray that You would protect Nathanael from any harm that may possibly come from sustaining a high fever for a long time.  And that You will give Nathanael and his family peace, comfort, and rest tonight as they remember that You are in control.  We thank You Father God for Your sovereignty over every thing and every situation!  We praise You for all that You are and all that You do!  You're truly amazing God!  Our souls will continually sing Your praise for Your endless worth!  We love You!  Blessed be Your Name, Lord God!


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