Good Morning, Jesus!
This morning I just want to thank You for getting me, my family, and friends through another week. And giving us all hope to make it through every trial and struggle we face with You to carry us through. I ask that You would continue to remind us of Your presence - not only for accountability's sake - but Your presence is comforting. Help us all to trust You more and more each moment of every day. We know faith is built through trials, but we ask You to build our faith anyway. Open our eyes to see the world around us while we keep our focus on You. Help us to minister to those around us, whether through supplying a need or tending to hurt and pain. Help us be reflections of You, oh Lord. Help us show the world that You are real and that You really love those stuck in the ways of the world too. I ask for strength to face every trial and temptation today. And I pray for clear vision to recognize the way out of that temptation that You provide. I ask that You would help us all to find our calling if we have not, and help us get started on our way to accomplish that task. More than anything, I ask that You help us to keep our priorities in line with You. It is so easy for us to lose our focus and, before we realize it, push You out of our day to day lives. We're sorry for that. We confess that we have not lived for You, but put the idols of our own wants and desires up. And we turn from them now. We are tearing down those idols and lifting up Your Name. We ask for Your forgiveness. And we ask for Your guidance to, not only do better, but to live a life that pleases You.
Jesus, You are our God! And we love You for who You are, what You've done for us, where You've brought us from, and the hope You give us. You are truly an awesome God! And we love You.
I'm gong to say amen now, but let's keep talking.
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