Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Prayer for a Mother and a Daughter

Dear Jesus,

     We thank You for Your guidance and for placing us at just the right place and at just the right time to be used by You to comfort those in need.  We thank You for giving us ears to hear, a heart to feel for the hurting, and even the time to listen.  We thank You for our brothers and sisters in Your Name all over the world.  And thank You also for Errin, who reached out in Your Name to a woman in need of prayer tonight.  A woman nervous and confused as she seeks to be reunited with her prodigal daughter.  We ask that You will make Your manifest presence felt at this meeting.  Open the hearts of both mother and daughter to receive one another with joy and to pour out love one to another.  Help them both find the words to say and more than that to forgive one another.  Help them both to know and understand Your grace.  And to find a renewed relationship with each other.  Give them the grace to endure the struggles that are ahead of them.  And let them not forget to forgive.  Help them hold onto the joy of this moment and never take for granted that this opportunity does not present itself to all in this situation, nor does it often present itself more than once.  Help them work through this together.  Your Word says that it is Your will, Jesus, that the hearts of the parents be turned back to their children and that the hearts of the children be turned back to their parents.  This is one of those times, Lord!  The hearts are turning back toward each other.  Help them restore their relationship to one another.  And help them find a saving relationship with You.
     We love You, Lord Jesus!  And we thank You for allowing us to be a part and a witness to such an awesome occasion!  Thank You!


Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Prayer for David Pierce

Dear heavenly Father,

     We lift up David before You asking for a healing touch.  We know that You are in control of all things and that You work all things to the good of those who believe in You.  We ask that You would give David the strength to make it through this battle and we trust You with the outcome.  We ask also that You would grant the peace of knowing that You are in control to David, his family, and friends.  And let Your goodness and grace shine throughout this situation.
     Thank You for the assurance that You are always in control.  Thank You for always being with us.  Thank You that we can have peace and joy even in trying times through Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Thank You.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Praying for a Friend

Dear heavenly Father,

                We thank You for Your goodness and grace.  We thank You for Your providence.  And we thank You for never giving up on us even when we give up on You.  We ask now that You lean Your ear to our prayer and hear our plea.
We have a friend whose life is falling apart.  She needs Your help, Lord.  We know she has been running from You for quite some time, but she has nowhere else to turn.  Your Son, Jesus, is her only hope.  We ask that You would draw her back to Your side, letting her feel Your love and acceptance.  Help her to learn to trust You with everything.  Help her to know Your mercy and grace.  Help her to realize that it has not been You bringing about tragedy and hardship in her life.  But it has been the lack of Your complete protection and provision because she wanted to try living independently of You.  Help her to learn to trust You like she never has before.  Open her eyes to see the freedom and joy that she can have just by trusting in You and Your atoning sacrifice.
We love You, God!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Prayer of Daily Devotion

Lord Jesus,

     Thank You for the good day I had yesterday.  Thank You for keeping my family, friends, and myself safe and healthy.  And thank You for speaking to me throughout the day.  I enjoyed the company and the conversation.  And thank You for the new mercies that I will need today.  I ask that today, You continue Your work in and on my heart.  Cleanse my heart until it pumps Your life through this mortal body that You have entrusted to me.  Help me see others as You see them.  Help me be more sensitive to the needs of those around me.  Give me healing words to speak and the timing to speak them.  And refrain my tongue from speaking when I need only to listen.  When neither talking or listening is necessary, let me just be there.  Help me daily as I devote my life to You.  Help me remember my commitment to You.  Help me keep my priorities in order.  I want my life to point straight to You, Lord.  I know that You teach me through everything I encounter.  And You guide me with Your Word.  You even correct me with the authorities You have placed over me.  I am comforted by Your holy presence.  Enlarge my borders Lord.  Help me reach more with Your love for Your glory!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Prayer For A Good Start

Dear Jesus,

     As we venture out and start our day, please help us to remember that You are in control.  Help us to shift our focus from the waves of adversity to Your steadfast embrace.  Help us to remember that when we keep our eyes on You we can do anything, even walk on water.  But when we focus on our circumstances we can easily be overwhelmed and feel as if we're drowning - often even hurting those who would try to help by our flailing to regain control.  Give us eyes to see the opportunities You've given us to serve others.  Help us not to feel so busy that we won't lend a hand to someone else.  And keep us from making excuses to not help.  Please take us by the hand today and guide us.  Let us know that it is You who holds onto us and not us holding onto You.  Reassure us that we cannot let You down because it was never us who held You up.  Help us to know and experience Your love today.  Thank You!

We love You Lord!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Prayer for the Roach Family

Dear heavenly Father,

This morning we lift up Chris and Nancy Roach and their family before You.  We ask that You would comfort them in this time as they mourn the loss of their dog, Donnie Darko.  You know the relationship a person can develop with a beloved pet.  It is more than a friendship.  They become part of the family.  They have been there through good times, bad times, boring times, and made us laugh many times.  And their loss is very painful.  We ask that You let this family feel Your Presence and Your warm comforting embrace as they cope with this loss.  Help them find Your divine purpose for them as they go through this.  And help them glorify You even with this struggle.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Good Morning, Jesus

Good Morning, Jesus!

This morning I just want to thank You for getting me, my family, and friends through another week.  And giving us all hope to make it through every trial and struggle we face with You to carry us through.  I ask that You would continue to remind us of Your presence - not only for accountability's sake - but Your presence is comforting.  Help us all to trust You more and more each moment of every day.  We know faith is built through trials, but we ask You to build our faith anyway.  Open our eyes to see the world around us while we keep our focus on You.  Help us to minister to those around us, whether through supplying a need or tending to hurt and pain.  Help us be reflections of You, oh Lord.  Help us show the world that You are real and that You really love those stuck in the ways of the world too.  I ask for strength to face every trial and temptation today.  And I pray for clear vision to recognize the way out of that temptation that You provide.  I ask that You would help us all to find our calling if we have not, and help us get started on our way to accomplish that task.  More than anything, I ask that You help us to keep our priorities in line with You.  It is so easy for us to lose our focus and, before we realize it, push You out of our day to day lives.  We're sorry for that.  We confess that we have not lived for You, but put the idols of our own wants and desires up.  And we turn from them now.  We are tearing down those idols and lifting up Your Name.  We ask for Your forgiveness.  And we ask for Your guidance to, not only do better, but to live a life that pleases You.
Jesus, You are our God!  And we love You for who You are, what You've done for us, where You've brought us from, and the hope You give us.  You are truly an awesome God!  And we love You.
I'm gong to say amen now, but let's keep talking.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thank You. Just thank You!

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank You for being with me and sustaining me through all the trials of life.  Thank You for hearing me when I call and leaning Your ear to my prayers.  I know I am nothing without You.  Thank You for Your patience as I have had to learn to walk with You.  Thank You for taking the lead and making the path sure.  Thank You for helping me walk this narrow road.  Thank You for building my faith in You as I show faith in You.  Thank You for teaching me and helping me learn to trust You more.  You are awesome!  You are my God!  And I'm so glad You call me friend.
Jesus,  I love You.

Thank You for being my friend.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Prayer for My Dad

Dear heavenly Father,

This morning we ask that You would comfort my mom and dad while my dad is having surgery to remove skin cancer on his head.  We ask that You let Your holy Presence be felt and know by all in that hospital and room.  Give the doctors and nurses that You have picked and trusted to care for him steady hands and sharp skills.  Help them find and remove all of the cancer, Lord.  Help my dad come through this surgery victoriously and with a renewed vision for the life he and mom have.  Lord, we ask that You would comfort my mom as she is waiting.  And help her to remember that You are in control.
We love You, Lord Jesus!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Prayer for Comfort

Dear heavenly Father,

     We thank You for being here with us always - in the good times and bad.  We thank You for the comfort You give to us even just knowing that, whether we understand Your plan or not, we know that Your plans are good.
     And we lift up a friend and her family to You now.  As You know, this family is mourning the loss of an unborn son.  I can only imagine how much that must hurt.  But You, our God, know the pain they are feeling. We ask that You would wrap them up in Your gentle kindness.  Let Your peace, love, and presence be - not only known - but felt.  Remind them of Your love, grace, and mercy during this time.  Help them remember that You plan for their ultimate good.  Grant them peace on all sides as You refresh them with Your Holy Spirit.
     We thank You for the great privilege we have in coming to You with our every need, pain, problem, and even victory.  We thank You for being so much better to us than we deserve.  Thank You for giving us hope!


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Praying for Desi Allen

Dear heavenly Father,

     We ask that You place Your healing hands on Desi Allen.  Help him recover from whatever illness that has got him down.  Help him continue to spread the good news of Your Gospel to the world - even now in his illness.  Strengthen him in this time.  Help him to use this "down time" to sharpen the sword of the spirit, which is Your Word in his soul, so that he may rise up in Your strength upon his recovery, ready to do whatever You ask.
     We ask this all in the holy and precious name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Praying for Drew Carr

Dear Heavenly Father,

    Right now, we just want to thank You so much for sparing the life of our friend Drew.  We thank You for bringing him through the pulmonary embolism he had last February and this latest scare as well.  We also thank You that he's getting the medical attention he needs.  We ask that You help the doctors to work with him to find the best course of action from here, and the best treatment going forward.  We know that You are in control of everything, even in this situation, Lord Jesus.  We ask that You would make Your Presence and Your peace to be felt by Drew and his family as they deal with this.
Thank You, Jesus.  We love You!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Dear Jesus,

     Thank You for this morning.  Thank You for bringing us though all the trials that have faced us this week.  Thank You for the meeting we had at the church last night, and people with a passion for science that is strong enough to compel them to find the truth on such topics as evolution vs creation.  We ask that You would prepare the way for these education programs to be carried out.  Prepare the hearts of people of all ages to attend, participate, and learn Your truths.  We want to equip believers to share and even defend their faith and to reach out to others in love with scientific evidence to cut through the lies they have been taught regarding the origins of life and existence.
     Help us all this morning to keep You in the forefront of our thoughts throughout the day.  Help us to reach out and help one another in love.  Help us to share Your Gospel throughout our communities.  It doesn't really matter which station or channel one gets their news from - we can all see that this nation and the world is in bad shape.  We all agree that something needs to happen.  We just don't all agree on what needs to happen, when and how.  Lord God, You know what needs to happen.  You have already told us in Your Word what needs to happen.  We cry out to You now asking that You would humble all of Your people so that we would all turn to You and pray.  We pray that You also cause Your children worldwide to rise up and stand for love, truth, and morality.
     We pray that You would bring peace to Israel and Jerusalem.  Help this nation continue to stand with Israel and Jerusalem, as it has in the past.  We ask that You wake up the leadership of this country so that they may open their eyes to the destruction they are bringing upon this country themselves.  And open the eyes of this population to see what the leaders we put into positions of authority are doing so that we will not do it again.  I believe that there are many good people still in this world and that the time for Your return has not yet come (although I'm still watching and waiting).  But good people have been too quiet for far too long.  Wake us up Lord.
     We love You, Jesus!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Good morning God

Dear God,

     Good Morning.  It's another beautiful start to another day.  Thank You Lord for getting me up and getting me going on this morning.  Jesus, today I just want to honor You.  Help me to tune out all the distractions and tune into Your voice today.  I do not want to dwell on the negative things in the news and on the radio, but I do not want to be ignorant of it either.  Help me to find that balance today and everyday.  Teach me wisdom, Jesus.  Teach me how to live so that I am not leaning to the right or to the left but upon You.  I pray that You would make my soul more sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit.  Help me hurt for the hurting and encourage the discouraged.  Help me humble myself so that I don't think more of myself than I should.  Help me serve those around me with joy and thanksgiving.
     Lord, I love You.  And all I want to do is please You with my life.  I want to honor You with everything You have given me.  I love You, Jesus!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

This Morning

Dear Lord,

     This morning I want to thank You for seeing me through another day and night.  Thank You for waking me up today.  I am healthy and feel refreshed.  I know that today I will encounter many people, either in person or in passing; it is my prayer today that You will help me share Your love with those I encounter today.  Help me to serve You, Jesus, today.  You have said that everything I do should be done as unto You; please help me live that out today.  Open my eyes to the needs of those around me.  Open my ears to the voices of the hurting and needy today.  Help me look for the good around me.  And enable me to bless those around me.  Teach me how to turn bad into good.  Help me impact this community for You.  I pray that You would use me to reach out to others today.
    I love You, Jesus!


Monday, March 3, 2014

A Prayer for Guidance

Lord God,

     First, I want to start by thanking You for bringing me safely this far.  Thank You for all the many blessings You've given to me.  Thank You for bringing my friends and family through everything they have been through as well.  Thank You for being with us not only in word but in deed.
     Lord, I need help.  You have been so good to me, but I feel that I have been misrepresenting You.  As You know, I have been doing my best and standing up for what I believe, but in all that, I think I have been missing the mark set by love.  Help me to show more love.  You know how much I love, but help me to spread that love and show that love to those around me.  Help me learn to fight my battles with the weaponry of love rather than being defensive and even offensive with my faith.  Help me share my faith with those around me even just through my life and conduct.  Polish the mirror of my soul so that I may reflect more of You, Lord Jesus.  Let Yourself be seen in me.  I know many people around me need to hear Your Gospel.  And many more, non-believers and believers alike, need to experience Your love flowing from Your church.
     There are so many of us that have forgotten what it means to love and became too busy pointing out and discussing what is wrong with the world.  We have become more focused on the problems and less focused on the solution, which is You - our Savior.  Help us re-prioritize our lives.  Help us to shift our focus to who/what really matters.  Jesus, help us be more like You.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Thank You, Jesus

Dear Jesus,

      I just want to take a few minutes here to thank You for this weekend.  It's not quite over yet.  But it has been great so far!  I so enjoyed spending time with my parents.  You even let me see one of my sisters, her husband, and her son at the same time!  That was awesome!  Jesus, You are so good to me.  All I want to say is 'Thank You'.  You also gave us time to sit down and catch up with a couple of good friends last night.  And we are so excited for all that You are doing in their lives as well.  Although it's only Sunday morning and there's a full day's activities and roughly 400 miles until we get home, this has been a great weekend.  Thank You so much!


Friday, February 28, 2014

Praying for Nate's Friend

Dear Lord Jesus,

     We thank You for Nate's friend and for placing Nate in his life.  We thank You for helping this friend reach out to Nate for help, guidance, and advice.  I do not know any of the details of what is going on in this marriage relationship, but that does not matter.  You, our God, know everything in its entirety that is happening.  And as the master engineer that designed marriage in the first place and the great Counselor that can restore peace, love, and balance to this relationship; we ask You to do so.  They need You to intervene quickly, Lord Jesus.  As you know, the stakes are high.  Not only is a marriage at stake, which is a lot, but a child.  We know that You designed marriage.  And it was You who designed the family.  And You know how they both are supposed to work.  We ask that You would soften the hearts of both the husband and the wife so that they will start to feel as they used to for their spouse.  We pray that You would help each spouse learn to serve the other in love.  And we pray that You restore this marriage and family to be even better than it used to be and all that it should be.  During this trying time on everyone involved, we ask that You would especially protect the heart of this boy who is caught in the middle.  Children, as You know, are usually the most innocent victims in marital disputes, yet they are hurt the worst.  Please protect this child!  And restore this marriage and family.  Give Nate the words and the wisdom to help out in any way You would have him to.  And shield Nate and his family so that none of the evil spirits that are causing trouble in his friends marriage follow Nate home and disrupt his family.

     We love You, Jesus.  Thank You for being there for us.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Praying For Cory's Surgery

Dear Heavenly Father,

Tomorrow our friend Cory is going in for surgery to remove his gall bladder. We ask that You would watch over and protect him during this surgery.  We ask that You would guide the doctors and nurses, whom You've entrusted to care for him, to give  him the best care possible.  We know that surgeries like this have become routine for today's doctors, but we know that it is You who ultimately heals and sustains us from day to day.  Thank You for Cory.  And thank You for the marvels of medical science You have given us!  And thank You most of all for the hope we have in You!  We love You, God.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Praying for the McLean's to Close on a new home

Dear heavenly Father,

Tonight, we lift up our friends, the McLeans, to You.  We ask that You help them close on their new home this week.  We ask that You would help everything fall into place.  You've helped them sell their old house.  Now we ask that You help them get into a new one and make it a home.  Thank You, Lord, that You allow and encourage us to come to You with our concerns and needs.  Thank You for hearing us and being an ever-present help in our time of need.  We love You, Lord!


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Praying for my dad

Dear Lord Jesus,

Please heal my dad.  Now the doctors are pretty certain that he had a small heart attack.  But even a small heart attack is a big deal.  Please bring him through these tests and procedures that the doctors are performing.  Help him recover from this. I don't even know what else to say, Jesus.  Please heal my dad.

Thank you.  I love You, Jesus.
