Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Praying for the nation

Dear heavenly Father,

     We recognize Your sovereignty, and we thank You that You are in control no matter what happens.  We know that You are King of all kings, Lord of all lords, and Ruler of all majesty.
     We, here on Earth, do not know exactly what is going to happen nor how it will play out.  This may be a smaller conflict, or an all out world war by the time it is all done.  From my perspective, I can see valid points in support of both sides of the debate.  You, our God, know what is the best course of action for this country, and the governments worldwide, to take.  We pray that You will lead us all into a peaceful resolution to this problem.  But we also know that sometimes You know that it is better for us if You lead us through our trials.  We trust You, Lord Jesus.  We know that You tell us in Your Word that You will cause everything to work for the good of those who love You.
     We ask that You will surround the President of this nation, and the leaders from all around the globe, with godly wisdom and counsel.  Give them discernment and grant them the courage to do what is right even in the face of adversity.  We do not want another holocaust.  We would rather reduce or remove this threat while it is small.  But we would prefer a peaceful resolution over any military act.
     Thank You, God, for Your peace in these troubling times.  Thank You, Lord, for being in control.  We only ever face what You have first equipped and allowed us to face.  Thank You, my King, for leading us into Your promises!


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