Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thank You for Today

Dear Lord Jesus,

      This morning I come to You to thank You for waking me up and giving me this day to live for You.  Thank You for all the people You have put in my life.  And thank You for Your guidance.  I am sorry for all the times I have doubted what You were doing in my life.  I always knew You were there and I knew You were working out Your plan for me, but I still doubted how Your plan was unfolding.  I am sorry.  You are awesome, God!  You truly never cease to amaze me!  Your goodness, grace, and mercy are unparalleled.  Thank You also for Your forgiveness and peace.  I ask that You would remind me more often of just how much You have forgiven me so that I may show more forgiveness, grace, mercy, and compassion to those around me.  I still need Your instruction, Lord.  Teach me Your ways.  I ask for Your wisdom, God, as I go through this day.  I would prefer to have more wisdom for the rest of my days, but right now, I need it for just today.  You have said that we can worry about tomorrow when tomorrow gets here.  So, just enough bread for today is what I ask.  I love You, Jesus!  Please help me share Your Gospel with someone today.  Please help me to live and love as You do.  Help me see others the dame way as You do.  Touch my eyes and restore sight.  And touch them again so that I not only see but have vision!  Thank You for today!  I love You so much, my God!  Help me to live in such a way that I may show You how much I love You.


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