Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Prayer For My Dad

Dear Lord Jesus,

     Tonight I want to lift my dad up to You.  Please heal him.  You know what he's going through.  Please touch him and heal him.  I know that he knows You as his Lord and Savior.  I'm not worried about where he will spend eternity.  I am however scared that You may call him to be with You which would devastate not only mom, but me and my brothers and sisters.  I know that being with You would be much better than being here any longer.  But can I just be real with You for a minute, God?  Right now I'm feeling pretty scared and selfish.  I don't want to lose my dad.  Not now.  Not yet.  I know I probably will never be "ready" to lose him, or any other family member for that matter.  But I haven't even seen my parents this year yet!  Please help me to go down and visit soon.  Please help my dad, mom, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews get and stay healthy for a good long time.  Lord, I will love You, serve You, and praise You through everything no matter what the outcome may be.  But I ask You - even beg You - please let us keep him with us here for now.  Please grant me this.  You know how much my parents mean to me.  Please do not take them away just yet.


Thursday, June 4, 2015

My Anchor Holds

Dear Jesus,

     I want to thank You for being my anchor through the storms of life.  Thank You for keeping me close by Your side, never letting me too drift far away.  Thank You for the people You've placed in my life.  Thank You for reminding me, even through them, of Your love and sovereignty.  Right now I feel a good sense of the direction You want me to take, but I ask for that to be confirmed.  I know that my feelings can confuse my interpretation of Your direction.  For this, I ask for clarity of vision.  I know that Your Word says that we should ask for direction and confirmation of that calling.  And Your Word also says that You will also give good to those who follow after You.  I know You're moving me into a new position.  Please help me to know in which direction that will be so that I may prepare for it.  I want to serve You to the fullest, Lord, wherever You place me.  Please grant me the opportunity to begin to prepare myself for Your will at this time.  Thank You, Lord Jesus!  I love You!


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Let Your Will Be Done

Dear heavenly Father,

    Thank You for being our provider, sustainer, our everything.  Thank You for being a faithful friend to us.  Thank You for always being there for us.  We ask that You would continue to use us to carry out Your will.  And we thank You for giving us the opportunities to serve You as we serve the needs of those around us.  Please continue to remind us of Your provision and Your plan as we press forward into the future.  Keep us humble and pliable.  Help us to know and understand You better, Lord.  Help us to remember that Your will is perfect and ours is not.  Help us remember that You will cause all things to benefit those who believe and follow You.  Thank You for giving us peace and rest in the security of Your loving embrace.


Monday, June 1, 2015

I Trust You, Lord

Dear Jesus,

     I know You've carried me this far without letting me fall.  I know You always have every situation I face in Your complete control.  And while circumstances and situations may surprise me, You're not at all shocked.  I ask for an extra portion of grace and mercy during these times.  I know You have something amazing planned for me, whether on earth or in Heaven, this will all be worth it.  Please be patient with me, as my faith is tested  and I try to live up to the faith I which I claim.  Help me, Lord Jesus, to remember to hope and dream.  Help me to see You in everything.  And to reflect  You to everyone around.  Please chisel away anything in my life that is holding me back from serving You better.  Please continue to speak to me through Your Holy Word and teach me Your ways.  Show me more of You, Jesus.  I love you.
