Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Prayer for Chad

Dear Lord Jesus,

     Tonight we ask for Your blessed healing touch for our frind and brother, Chad, after his car accident.  Please guide the doctors and nurses, who You've entrusted to care for him, as they treat and operate on our dear brother.
     Grant Your peace to Chad and his family as he is going through this.  Give them the reassurance of knowing that You are still in control.
     We love You, Lord Jesus!  Thank You for watching over Chad and that this accident wasn't worse than it is.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Praying for Kelly's Son

Dear Jesus,

     Tonight, we want to bring Kelly and her son before You.  We ask that You pour out Your healing upon Kelly's son and bring comfort and peace to Kelly and her family.  Please give Your healing touch to Kelly's son.  Fill the hole in his heart.  Raise him up to proclaim Your greatness, Lord Jesus!  Heal him so that he may live a life pleasing to You, ever making proclamation of the victory that he has in You.
     We also ask that You would use this time of uncertainty to draw Kelly into a close relationship with You. We don't know whether she knows You as Lord and Savior yet, or what her relationship to You is like.  But we ask that You manifest Your love to her.  And let her know that You are there with her and You do care. Please help her to know You better, God.  We love You!
     You're awesome God!


A Prayer for Ashlynn

Dear heavenly Father,

     We also lift Ashlynn up to You in our prayers.  She is young but has been through more trials and struggles than most of us could imagine.  Never feeling any sense of stability in her life, or knowing security.  We ask that You would manifest Yourself to her in a very real way.  Show her what Your love is and that You do love her.  Show her that Your love for her is true love; unconditional love; and You love her for who she is now.  Help her to know that You will always be here for her.
     Thank You, Lord.  We love You!


A Prayer for Amanda

Dear Jesus,

     Tonight we ask that You would comfort Amanda.  We ask that You touch her ankle and heal her.  Strengthen her ankles against any other injuries.  And help her to bring Your Great Name glory and honor even in her soccer games, Lord.  As she is resting and recovering, we ask that You would train and prepare her mentally to face the challenges of life.  And in all things, whether sick, injured, or healthy, help her life to point to You.
     We thank You, Lord, for being with us.  We thank You even for the "sprained ankles" of our lives.  They only serve to show us our weaknesses so that we may exercise and discipline ourselves in those areas.  Help Amanda, and all of us, to learn what You are teaching us through our struggles.
    We love You, Jesus.  Thank You!
