Saturday, December 31, 2011

A prayer to usher in the new year

Dear Jesus,

     Tonight I ask that You would watch over all my friends and family.  Keep us safe from harm as we celebrate the close of one year and the beginning of a new.  I pray that You lead us in the path of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Help us resist the temptation to do evil.  Help us flee swiftly from sin.  Guide us in our reflection over this year past.  Show us Your mighty hand throughout everything that has been and everything that will come to pass.
     In this new year, I pray that You lead us into a deeper desire to seek Your face and close the gap in the relationship we have with You, our God and our Savior.  I ask for Your healing touch upon all of our dear friends and family members who are battling illnesses, both in the hospital, at home, and abroad.  I ask that You would bring comfort to those of us who have a friend or a family member struggling through such an illness.  I pray that You, oh Lord, will soften the hearts of those we care about who do not yet know You as Savior.  And I pray that You remind us who do know You as our Savior to remain humble.  Please help us remove the pride from our lives that separates us from completely enjoying Your presence.  And I pray that we would each experience Your great love, grace, mercy, and joy in a new way and on a deeper level.
     Help us to reconcile relationships that are struggling, or even have long since past.  And develop new lasting relationships that will bring You honor.
     Thank You, God for the blessed hope that You have given to us who believe upon Your Name.


Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Adam (Adam was before Eve)

Dear Jesus,

     I pray that You watch over all my family and friends.  Lead us all in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake.  Remind us of You in all of our upcoming celebrations.  Remind us of Your gift of salvation which You offer to those who believe in You.  Keep us all safe during our travels during this time of celebration, thanksgiving, and reflection on another year that is almost gone.  While at the same time we look forward to the blessed hope we have in You, not only a hope for heaven but a very real hope of a peaceful and joyous present and future as we follow Your lead in this dance we call life.
     I love You, Lord.


On the eve of Christmas Eve

Dear Jesus,

     I pray that you will lead and protect us all during this time of joy as we gather together with our friends and families to celebrate Your first coming into this world and our anticipation of Your second coming.  Help us remember those around us that are in need and I do not ask for just a reminder, but a spurring of my soul to do something to meet their needs.  Help us all to enjoy the time we have together and to, in all things give thanks to You, God.  As blessed as we are, let me not lose my focus on the One from whom all blessings come.

Thank you ,Lord.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Dear heavenly Father,

     I come to You this morning with thanksgiving.  Thank You for waking me up.  Thanks for helping me get plenty of rest through the night.  I ask for Your guidance and protection today as I go about my day to day.  Help me serve You with my every thought and action.  Use me to bless those that You set me near today.  Help me to see the needs of those around me and reach out in Your name to meet their needs.  Please help me not to lose sight or focus of You as I go through today's business.  Remind me to keep my ears open and tuned in to Your voice Lord.  And help me to make the time to rest in the silence and wait upon You.
     I hope to talk to You again soon God.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

I'm Thankful to you God!

Dear Lord,

     Today, I would like to thank You for all the trials and struggles You have brought me through thus far.  And the blessed Hope that You have given me for the future!  Thank You for the many wonderful blessings You have given me.  Thank You for my friends.  Thank You for my family.  Thank You for my church.  Thank You for my job.  And thank You for the bible, Your Holy Word.  And speaking to me through it.
     I pray that You help me to keep my eyes on You, Lord Jesus.  Let me not  take my eyes off of You to cast them onto all the blessings You have so graciously bestowed on me.  I also would like to thank You for my health.  I just can't thank You enough!  You are so good to me!

Thank You, Lord!


Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Prayer for you today

Dear Jesus,

     I come to you this day asking for your guidance; guidance for all who read this as well.  In this world it is hard to stand for You.  It's hard to stand up for what is right.  And it may even become confusing at times to know what "right" is.
     In this season in which we celebrate the day You were born on earth, it is easy for us to lose sight of You, the reason for this joyous occasion.  We can get so caught up in all the parties, parades and other festivities that we lose our focus.
     Lord, help us to stand strong for what is right.  Help us, even in, or especially in, our Christmas celebrations to do this in rememberance of You.  Help us to show love to one another as You have shown us Your love.  Help us find and seize the opportunities that You give us to help others for Your name's sake.  Show us the true meaning of love.  Wipe away all the clutter in our lives that we have let come between us.  Restore us to a right relationship with You, Jesus.  Forgive us of our selfish desires and our ignorance toward Your voice.
     Thank you, Jesus for everything!  For forgiving us even though we don't deserve to be forgiven.  For healing us with Your mercy.  For restoring us by Your grace.  And keeping us according to your loving-kindness.  Thank you for being more faithful to us than we, even at our best, are to You.

I love You Lord.
